Wednesday 29 December 2010

Another mid-week rant + stuff

I feel a little rude for not blogging over Christmas but I hope you all had a good one! If I'm honest I didn't feel very Christmasy this year, maybe because I have been working at a well known department store (I won't name) in London throughout most of it and often felt close to killing myself after being forced to listen to the continuous onslaught of Christmas music and I guess when your being paid to shove the 'Christmas excitment' down any unsupecting customer's neck it becomes a lot harder to really get into it. Also I think I was just really tired. It wasn't my first choice of place to work but since I've been looking for a job since April I couldn't really not take it. It has been really shocking and annoying how hard it's been this year just to get a shitty sales assistant job! I had so many interviews with so many shops, applied for admin assistant roles, even cleaning jobs(!) and have been rejected by each of them. It's been tough with recession and more people applying.

Anyway it's back to work for me tomorrow and the next few days but before I go off and watch Home Alone 2 (don't judge me) I just wanted to express my anger at the lazy tube drivers who felt the need to go on strike on Boxing day, I had work that day and it took me nearly 3 hours to get home because of it just because the buses were sooo packed with people! It was crazy! And they're planning more strikes, while at the same time hiking up ticket fare prices!! This makes me soo angry because I don't get why we as Londoners have to pay more for a rubbish service. Boris Johnson sort it out!

(And no that isn't me in the picture I just liked the apron)

Wednesday 22 December 2010

A lusty old politician puts his foot in it...what's new?

I'm not big on politics but I think the whole story surrounding The Telegraph and MP Vince Cable is interesting. Not because of what he said but how The Telegraph got the scoop. They basically used two female journalists who pretended to be Liberal Democrat constituents and coaxed some rather embarrassing and ill-thought-out comments out Mr Cable. As a young female journalist just starting out, I'm not naive enough to think I wouldn't be asked to flirt my way into getting a story and I think it's a shame. I don't think it's good journalism but it's gone on for years. I think you'd expect it more from The Sun but it was a bit of a surprise from a broadsheet like The Telegraph, which is the same paper who exposed the MPs expenses scandal earlier this year... 

It has to be said Vince Cable is pretty stupid for trying to show off and blabbing about all the power he (now no longer) has in the first place, especially to complete strangers.  I couldn't help smirking at how it again shows that as soon as you put a relatively young attractive woman in front of a man they can't help leaving their brains in their trousers. So although what The Telegraph did may be a bit sleazy and underhand (and they'll probably be sued) I'm not quite sure how else anyone would have found out about Mr Cable's totally biased judgements on Rupert Murdoch. Saying that though I do hope Murky Murdoch doesn't get full ownership of Sky because I don't think one man should own a bunch of newspapers AND two TV networks! It just reeks of greed and an unhealthy need for power. The Media has such a huge influence on everything we do and say and I think it's just a step in the wrong direction if he is allowed to have his fingers in so many pies!

Paris, Ethan Hawke and a whole lotta talking. Ticks all my boxes!

Me and my best friend love watching movies and she told me about this film, Before Sunset, a while ago so I finally decided to watch it recently and I have to say I think it's amazing! I'm not a fan of all the romance showmance stuff but I loved it and Ethan Hawke is in it which is an added plus.

Before Sunset is the sequel to a film called Before Sunrise but doesn't really feel like a a sequel at all-I don't even feel like I need to watch the first film it was that good! It's set in Paris (one of my favourite places in the world), which might seem a bit cheesy but I don't think it was. I think it definately spoke to me, as someone who has been there and worn the heartbreak t-shirt...

It came out a few years back but I think it's worth a watch because it has more than romance to offer, with a lot of great dialogue, which was not only written by screenwriter Kim Krizan and the film's director Richard Linklater but also by the films only two actors, Mr Hawke and Julie Delpy, which is maybe why what they said felt so honest to me.

I don't think the trailer does the film justice but thought I'd put it up for you anyway.

The Mid-Week Rant

I'd just like to state that although I don't consider myself to be an outright feminist I do think I'm intelligent enough to see how the world works and how men are in control of that and how the majority of them wish women would just please them (mainly sexually) and keep our mouths shut-oh and of course continue to enforce the stupid double standards created to keep women down, by criticising and judging each other on whether we have a "man" in our lives or not, while men rarely criticize each other and always seem to stick is one if those days when I just think it's all bullshit. Call me an angry feminist bitch if u want though, I can take it.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

The Floppy Ears Playlist

Every month I aim to give you a selection of songs (old & new) that I just can't get enough of and my iPhone is probably sick of...

1. Freak Like Me - Sugababes
2. Knocked Up - Kings of Leon
3. Shut It Down - Drake
4. Daykeeper - The Foreign Exchange
5. Amorous - Jesse Boykins
6. S&M - Rihanna
7. Take The Box - Amy Winehouse
8. Seven Day Fool - Etta James
9. Dreams - J Cole
10. Pyro - Kings of Leon

Get some beauty sleep-no really you need it!

Clearly this lady knew what she was doing because it has finally been scientifically proven, the more you sleep the more attractive you'll be-I'm off then! Zzzz

Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasys

I picked this album cover because it's my favourite one. This album is my album of 2010. Mr West (no matter how arrogant and obnoxious he might be) has done it again with this one. I can't fault it! As a huge hiphop fan I was feeling quite bored of it most of this year and then this album just came along and knocked my socks off! Definately a must-have!
Tracks on replay:
So Appalled
Blame Game
Lost in the World
All of the Lights

The Winter of Discontent: Pt2

You know what I really don't know what to make of the fees increases. The violence that went on is obviously wrong BUT I don't particularly blame students for being angry about this BUT the UK is in debt and they need to raise money somehow BUT putting students in £30000 worth of debt and upwards is messed up BUT too many students are doing stupid courses and taking the piss out of the system (trust me I know) so there's too many graduates and not enough jobs BUT the fact Scottish and Welsh students either don't have to pay or will pay way less than us is totally unfair! Plus the suggestion to bring in the water cannons on protesters is out of order!

And so it begins...

Having come across a fair few blogs I've thought were amazing I finally decided to jump on this blogging bandwagon and set up one of my own.
It's taken me long enough to take this seriously after a few failed attempts but now I'm committed to getting this shit on the road! It's actually pretty embarrassing considering I'm a recent journalism graduate and should really know better but hey I figured 21 isn't such a bad age to get going... so welcome to the world through...these wide eyed browns (see how i did that??)